Download Causal Activity Models

About GO-CAM formats

  • Available formats:
    • RDF Turtle (TTL), a textual syntax for RDF called Turtle that allows an RDF graph to be completely written in a compact and natural text form, with abbreviations for common usage patterns and datatypes.
    • BlazeGraph Journal (JNL), The graph store for GO-CAMs using Blazegraph; this data product is currently deprecated. See also the GO and RDF/SPARQL guide


  • Individual TTLs (1 TTL for 1 GO-CAM) can also be retrieved from the GitHub repository noctua-models.

Programmatic access to GO-CAMs

As for any resource in GO, GO-CAMs are accessible through the DOI-versioned release stored in Zenodo.

Error or omission ?

Any errors or omissions in annotations should be reported by writing to the GO helpdesk.