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GO CAM LinkML schema (experimental)

The central class in this datamodel is a Model. A model consists of a set of Activity objects.


Name: gocam


Class Description
Activity An individual activity in a causal model, representing the individual molecular activity of a single gene product or complex in the context of a particular model
Association An abstract grouping for different kinds of evidence-associated provenance
        CausalAssociation A causal association between two activities
        EnabledByAssociation An association between an activity and the gene product or complex that carries it out
                EnabledByGeneProductAssociation An association between an activity and a gene product
                EnabledByProteinComplexAssociation An association between an activity and a protein complex
        TermAssociation An association between an activity and a term, potentially with extensions
                BiologicalProcessAssociation An association between an activity and a biological process term
                CellTypeAssociation An association between an activity and a cell type term
                CellularAnatomicalEntityAssociation An association between an activity and a cellular anatomical entity term
                GrossAnatomyAssociation An association between an activity and a gross anatomical structure term
                MolecularFunctionAssociation An association between an activity and a molecular function term
                MoleculeAssociation An association between an activity and a molecule term
EvidenceItem An individual piece of evidence that is associated with an assertion in a model
Model A model of a biological program consisting of a set of causally connected activities
Object An abstract class for all identified objects in a model
        PublicationObject An object that represents a publication or other kind of reference
        TermObject An abstract class for all ontology term objects
                BiologicalProcessTermObject A term object that represents a biological process term from GO
                CellTypeTermObject A term object that represents a cell type term from CL
                CellularAnatomicalEntityTermObject A term object that represents a cellular anatomical entity term from GO
                EvidenceTermObject A term object that represents an evidence term from ECO
                GrossAnatomicalStructureTermObject A term object that represents a gross anatomical structure term from UBERON
                InformationBiomacromoleculeTermObject An abstract class for all information biomacromolecule term objects
                        GeneProductTermObject A term object that represents a gene product term from GO or UniProtKB
                        ProteinComplexTermObject A term object that represents a protein complex term from GO
                MolecularFunctionTermObject A term object that represents a molecular function term from GO
                MoleculeTermObject A term object that represents a molecule term from CHEBI or UniProtKB
                PhaseTermObject A term object that represents a phase term from GO or UBERON
                PredicateTermObject A term object that represents a taxon term from NCBITaxon
                TaxonTermObject A term object that represents a taxon term from NCBITaxon
ProvenanceInfo Provenance information for an object


Slot Description
activities All of the activities that are part of the model
causal_associations The causal associations that connect this activity to other activities
comments Comments about the model
downstream_activity The activity unit that is downstream of this one
enabled_by The gene product or complex that carries out the activity
happens_during Optional extension describing where the BP takes place
has_input The input molecules that are directly consumed by the activity
has_output The output molecules that are directly produced by the activity
has_primary_input The primary input molecule that is directly consumed by the activity
has_primary_output The primary output molecule that is directly produced by the activity
id The identifier of the model
members The gene products that are part of the complex
molecular_function The molecular function that is carried out by the gene product or complex
objects All of the objects that are part of the model
occurs_in The cellular location in which the activity occurs
part_of The larger biological process in which the activity is a part
predicate The RO relation that represents the type of relationship
provenances Model-level provenance information
reference The publication of reference that describes the evidence
status The status of the model
taxon The primary taxon that the model is about
term The ECO term representing the type of evidence
title The human-readable descriptive title of the model
with_objects Supporting database entities or terms


Enumeration Description
ModelStateEnum Status of a model


Type Description
Boolean A binary (true or false) value
Curie a compact URI
Date a date (year, month and day) in an idealized calendar
DateOrDatetime Either a date or a datetime
Datetime The combination of a date and time
Decimal A real number with arbitrary precision that conforms to the xsd:decimal speci...
Double A real number that conforms to the xsd:double specification
Float A real number that conforms to the xsd:float specification
Integer An integer
Jsonpath A string encoding a JSON Path
Jsonpointer A string encoding a JSON Pointer
Ncname Prefix part of CURIE
Nodeidentifier A URI, CURIE or BNODE that represents a node in a model
Objectidentifier A URI or CURIE that represents an object in the model
Sparqlpath A string encoding a SPARQL Property Path
String A character string
Time A time object represents a (local) time of day, independent of any particular...
Uri a complete URI
Uriorcurie a URI or a CURIE


Subset Description